Questions & Answers

Phone Numbers

By default every user get an internally generated number which can be used to make free calls within the network. Ordinary users can only make free calls within the network especially businesses that enables free call zone

To call local line, you need to purchase a virtual number or eSIM. However ordinary standard user cannot call local number. Only business account will be able to call local line. Ordinary users that want to have access to call local line, needs to submit some KYC documentation before they are allowed to purchase eSIM cards or virtual number.

Agents by default can only receive calls on behalf of the business they are working for. They cannot make call with the line assigned to them by the business. However, they can make and receive calls locally with the numbers assigned to them locally within our network

We have other features of our phone numbers that are important which are things you must look out for when purchasing a phone numbers. They are
  • Does the number support fax
  • Does the number allow user make toll free calls from local numbers
  • Phone number support SMS
  • Does the number support

General Questions

You get a number which you can use to make inbound calls. Outboard calls can only be made after a business owner concludes his KYC

Yes, you can use VoIP hardware. Contact

Virtual Agent

Virtual agents are human users that answers calls on behalf of a business

To get a virtual agent, you contact the agent via our portal, you agree on salary and wages. You make a deposit of the salary or wages which will be held by us. By the end of the month you click on pay agent . It will send the payment to the agent and request you to load a new payment

Support Questions

Email helpdesk@virtualagent.ciz